Virtual Tour

Welcome to Brearley Nursery School
If your child turns 2 years old at the start of nursery, he/she will be in either Blue/Green room and if you have a 3-year-old starting nursery he/she will be in either red or yellow room.
There are two qualified staff members in each room.

When your child start, you’ll have to sign your child in at the start and end of the day.
As part of promoting self-registration and independent skill, we ask parents to encourage their child to hang up their coats and bags on their pegs and to find their name cards
Every morning, we provide toast for children and fruits in the afternoons.

Your child will have a variety of activities; painting, investigating sand, sharing book, mathematical games, sensory and outdoor play. We ask parents to send into nursery a pair of wellington boots, warm clothes as children spend part of their day outside and spare clothes: pants, socks and trousers; as most of our teaching and learning involves messy play.

We ask parents to dress their child in suitable clothes for play and easy for him/her to manage so they can go to the toilet independently.
Each child has a key person and family group your child’s key Peron will update and share your child’s learning journey with you, parents are also encouraged to contribute to it over the time your child spends in nursery.
We look forward to seeing you.

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